Engage Buyers

Stand out in prospect’s inbox with interactive product tours, video messages, micro-demos and precisely targeted content that converts.

Enrich your prospecting

Delight buyers and add value

Prospecting fatigue: HubSpot found that 74% of buyers feel like they receive too many sales emails. In a world oversaturated with noise, quality wins. Execute personalized buyer journeys from Day 1, adding value instead of adding to inboxes. Ditch the spray-and-pray, embrace the personalized play.

“One of the challenges we had was because we have a fairly wide swath of prospects that we deal with. So at the end of a discovery call, there’d be a variety of things that we might need to send to the client as follow ups. RevSpace made it really easy and agile for our sellers and now it takes minutes instead of days to get back.” – CEO, ConnectMarketing

Efficient targeting

Drag and drop editors enable sellers to build Digital Sales Rooms in minutes. Continue sharing demos, meeting recordings, interactive product tours - all in one place.

Multi-touch prospecting

Send Digital Sales Room links via email, LinkedIn or add to outreach templates in your favorite Sales Engagement tool.

Pre-built micro-sites per segment

Build ready-to-send microsite library per vertical, customer title, industry, company size, use case. Take the guesswork out of prospecting.

Personalize with video

5x your engagement

A personalized video message is 5x more likely to be viewed than a plain text email, giving you a clear advantage in capturing attention and driving conversions.

“We found RevSpace Digital Sales Rooms more powerful than Loom. Our three target verticals are Banking, Healthcare and Insurance. We built a few templates and our SDRs were off to the races.” – Senior SDR Manager, Series D RPA startup

Showcase your personality and build trust

Hit record and send a video message to build a personal connection. Add prospect’s logo and brand to express that extra touch.

Upload a product tour or customer story

Upload product micro-demos or customer video stories that speak to the prospect’s needs precisely.

Add a custom CTA

Link to your ‘Book a Meeting’ calendar, ‘Book a Demo’ website, landing pages to upcoming events or a pitch deck.

Track Engagement

Follow up at the right moment

Track every step of the buyer journey. From prospects exploring the Digital Engagement room to SQLs diving into RFPs and POC content, and even customers previewing product updates before renewals, we capture it all.

“RevSpace DSR shows me exactly what content grabs each prospect’s attention. Our 5 services? I can tailor my follow-ups and CTAs perfectly based on what they engage with. Easiest DSR ever? Absolutely!” – SDR Extraordinaire, services startup

Stay in the loop

Know when your prospect interacts with your content - views, shares, time spent on each item.

Report on your shares and your teams too

As a SDR manager or product marketer, you can view engagement analytics of all shares from your team. Sellers view their own shares for timely follow up.

See how your content performs

Get insights on what messages are landing with prospects per target segment and where you can improve.

Integrate with tech your team already uses

Reduce tech stack costs by consolidating your learning and content management needs. Drive revenue with just-in-time Enablement.